Sunday 12 June 2016

Hello from 2Green...Week 9 & 10

  •  In week 9 and 10 our comprehension strategy is inferencing or 'reading between the lines'. Children could practise this strategy at home after they have read their home readers!
  • We have started learning about procedural texts.
  • We continue working hard on our handwriting and pencil grips.
  • New level home readers are being sent home now. The books should not be challenging and are used as reinforcement.

  • Number patterns…counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s beginning at any number on the 200’s chart.
  • Revision of all areas covered this term - place value, number patterns, expanding numbers, addition and subtraction, shapes and fractions (halves, quarters, eighths)

  • What is the Greatest Commandment?
  • How do Jewish people live the covenant today?

  • No homework sheet in week 9 or 10 but we are still learning our spelling words and reading our home readers!

  • How do we create a powerpoint?

Important dates:

  • Thank you to the parents who were available to come and support 2G at assembly. The children did a fantastic job!

  • Parent teacher interviews are being conducted - Monday 13th June and Tuesday 14th June. I hope to meet with each of you to discuss your child's progress.

  • Dance Fever Finale - Tuesday, 14th June. You are invited to come and see the children dance tomorrow at their final Dance Fever lesson.

Have a great week, Kind regards, Mrs. T.