Monday 27 March 2017

Hello from 2Green - Week 10

  • Our fortnightly comprehension strategy is 'Questioning' - before reading, whilst reading and after reading the text. Children could practise this strategy at home while they are reading their home readers!
  • We continue working hard on our handwriting and pencil grips. It is great to see the student's hard work paying off.
  • Home Readers are being sent home each week night. Please encourage your children to read each night. Please help them to strengthen their comprehension of the text by asking them some of the questions in their reading folder.

  • We are continuing to revise all of the concepts that we have covered this term:
  • Number patterns…counting forwards and backwards in 1's, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s up to 1000 (starting at any number)
  • Rainbow facts and doubles
  • Reading o'clock and half past times on  analogue and digital clocks
  • Place value - ones, tens and hundreds
  • Shapes
  • Halving shapes and groups
  • Value of the week: Contemplation  
  • The Easter Story
  • No homework this week!


  • Please bring in a baby photo for our class display

Other messages: 
  • Cross Country Day -Tuesday, 28th March. Children can wear t-shirts in their house colour but are required to wear their school sports shorts. Good luck to all of the children!
  • Free Dress Day for Caritas- Thursday, 30th March. Please bring in a gold coin for Caritas.
  • Please come and see me or email me if you have any questions the year.
Happy Easter to all of the 2Green families. I wish all of you a safe and restful holiday.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Hello from 2Green - Week 9

  • Our fortnightly comprehension strategy is 'Questioning' - before reading, whilst reading and after reading the text. Children could practise this strategy at home while they are reading their home readers!
  • We continue working hard on our handwriting and pencil grips. It is great to see the student's hard work paying off.
  • Home Readers are being sent home each week night. Please encourage your children to read each night. Please help them to strengthen their comprehension of the text by asking them some of the questions in their reading folder.
  • The students in 2Green have made pleasing growth in their reading and are now bringing home more difficult readers. Please congratulate them and encourage them to keep up the great work!
  • We are revising all of the concepts that we have covered this term:
  • Number patterns…counting forwards and backwards in 1's, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s up to 1000 (starting at any number)
  • Rainbow facts and doubles
  • Reading o'clock and half past times on  analogue and digital clocks
  • Place value - ones, tens and hundreds
  • Shapes
  • Halving shapes and groups
  • Value of the week: Contemplation  
  • Stewards of God's Creation in the world?
  • New spelling words are given out on Monday and homework is due back the following Monday. The focus words for the week are written in their homework books.
  • Please encourage students to take pride in the presentation of their homework


  • We are observing the life cycle of mealworms
  • How do environmental factors contribute to their growth?
  • What happens at each stage?
  • Please bring in a baby photo for our class display

Other messages: 
  • The children are starting to show signs of tiredness as we approach the end of term. Please ensure that they are getting enough sleep and a nutritious breakfast to get them through. We continue to have munch and crunch mid-morning which the children find worthwhile.
  • Our twitter is up and running!
  • We have started 'Parent Listening' with many opportunities for the children to do 'extra' reading - thank you.
  • Please come and see me or email me if you have any questions throughout the year.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Hello from 2Green - Week 8

  • Our fortnightly comprehension strategy is 'Making Connections' - Text to Text, Text to Self and Text to World. Children could practise this strategy at home while they are reading their home readers!
  • We continue working hard on our handwriting and pencil grips.
  • Home Readers are being sent home each week night. Please encourage your children to read each night. Please help them to strengthen their comprehension of the text by asking them some of the questions in their reading folder.
  • The students in 2Green have made pleasing growth in their reading and will soon be bringing home more difficult readers. Please congratulate them and encourage them to keep up the great work!
  • Number patterns…counting forwards and backwards in 1's, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
  • Rainbow facts and doubles
  • Reading o'clock and half past times on  analogue and digital clocks
  • This week we be revising place value - ones, tens and hundreds

  • Value of the week: Service  
  • How can we be Stewards of God's Creation at school?
  • New spelling words are given out on Monday and homework is due back the following Monday. The focus words for the week are written in their homework books.
  • Please encourage students to take pride in the presentation of their homework


  • We are observing the life cycle of mealworms and discussing how environmental factors contribute to their growth.
  • We are also exploring and comparing the life cycles of different animals
  • Please bring in a baby photo for our class display

Other messages: 

  • The children are starting to show signs of tiredness as we approach the end of term. Please ensure that they are getting enough sleep and a nutritious breakfast to get them through. We continue to have munch and crunch mid-morning which the children find worthwhile.
  • Our twitter is up and running!
  • We have started 'Parent Listening' with many opportunities for the children to do 'extra' reading - thank you.
  • Please come and see me or email me if you have any questions throughout the year.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Hello from 2Green - Week 7

  • Our fortnightly comprehension strategy is 'Making Connections' - Text to Text, Text to Self and Text to World. Children could practise this strategy at home while they are reading their home readers!
  • We continue working hard on our handwriting and pencil grips.
  • Home Readers are being sent home each week night. Please encourage your children to read each night. Please help them to strengthen their comprehension of the text by asking them some of the questions in their reading folder.
  • Number patterns…counting forwards and backwards in 1's, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
  • Rainbow facts and doubles
  • Reading o'clock and half past times on  analogue and digital clocks
  • This week we begin looking at 2D shapes

  • Value of the week: Service  
  • How can we be Stewards of God's Creation at school?
  • New spelling words are given out on Monday and homework is due back the following Monday. The focus words for the week are written in their homework books.
  • Please encourage students to take pride in the presentation of their homework


  • We have begun discussing the life cycle of a mealworm and will soon be looking at life cycles of different animals.
  • Please bring in a baby photo for our class display
Other messages: 

  • We will hopefully have our twitter account up and running this week - thank you for your patience.
  • Please come and see me or email me if you have any questions throughout the year.